BSBFIA412 Report on financial activity
Given Names:
Course Name *
Trainer *
Location *
Unit Code and Title
The Unit
Overall the module was valuable towards the course? *
There was a good variety of methods used in the training? *
Learning outcomes were clearly identified in the training? *
Occupational Health and Safety was maintained? *
Please provide suggestion for improvement to the unit *
The Training Aides
Visual aids were affective and assisted learning? *
Training materials and resources were available to enhance learning? *
Please provide suggestion for improvement to training aides *
The course was pitched at the right level for the audience *
Support materials provided were clear and concise *
Session content was achievable in allowed time frames *
Please provide suggestion for how we could improve student learning experiences *
The Trainer
Class management was easy and effective *
The unit delivery order was effective *
Please provide suggestion for improvement *
Assessments were well designed to assist me to achieve the learning outcomes of the untis *
Assessment methods included both knowledge base and assessment of practical skills *
Essential knowledge and skills to be assessed were understood *
Please provide suggestion for improvement to assessment methods *
Please add any further comments you would like to share regarding improvements for this unit. *