Work Placement Evaluation Questionnaire
Given Names:
Course Name:
How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Did the health service provide an adequate orientation/roster program?
Did staff welcome you as a member of the work team?
Did staff act as good role models?
Did your placement allow you to achieve your placement goals and objectives, and to meet your assessment requirements?
Did your placement provide enough opportunity for you to acquire and develop the skills and knowledge needed for your course?
Did your placement provide you with sufficient opportunity to interact with patients/clients/other staff?
The location, time, and arrangements were suitable
Did you get enough support and guidance from staff during your placement?
What comments do you have about how your placement was arranged or coordinated? Is there anything Alpine Health/Institute should do differently?
Please comment on what we could do to increase the learning opportunities while on placement?
Do you have any further comments or suggestions that may help us improve the program?
Do you feel overall that your work placement was beneficial to your learning?
Please provide an overall rating of your placement:
Please draw your signature in the box below...